On Thursday night I attended a private media Core Fusion® class, taught by co-founder Elisabeth Halfpapp at Exhale Spa at 980 Madison Avenue, between 76th and 77th Streets.
Core Fusion® is a mix of core conditioning, the Lotte Berk Method, Pilates and yoga, resulting in a toned body with washboard abs, and a tighter and higher backside.
If you have long hair, it's best to tie your hair in a bun and be sure to wear fitted workout wear and socks. I didn't know what to expect from the class, except that it was going to be hard core. The one hour session went by quickly since we moved from one position right into the next, so it was easy to keep the momentum going.
I ended up working muscles that I never even knew I had! We had a choice of using 2, 3 or 4 pound weights (I went with the 3 pound weights) for arm strengthening, and also incorporated stretch exercises with the ball and strap. The class finished up with stretching on the mat.
It was an intense, challenging class and I really happy with it. Thank you Elisabeth! I felt sore for the following two days but that was expected. Now I feel ready for another workout! I can't wait to try the new Exhale Core Fusion® Cardio Pure Intensity DVD!
Our Core Fusion® class featured BluePrintCleanse®, which offers six fresh fruit and vegetable juices to drink in place of meals. We received the Green and Spicy Lemonade juices after the class. My favorites are Pineapple and Mint and Spicy Lemonade juices.
- Kim Weling
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