Saturday, August 15, 2015

Beauty Review: Dermaflage

Since I had robotic surgery in mid-June, I was looking for post-surgery products to help conceal my scars (I had four incisions made to the left). I came across Dermaflage (starter kit, $60), a dermatologist and clinically tested topical silicone that fills in recessed imperfections to make it look like real skin. 

The steps were simple. First you apply the primer to make sure the silicone sticks to the skin. Then you can either mix the clear and tinted silicone using the mixing stick or twist on the accessory mixing tip. Make sure the mixing tip is secured, as mine wasn't and the mixture ended up spilling onto my skirt. Once it is mixed you have about 30 seconds to smooth the silicone onto your skin before it solidifies. I applied the mixture using the mixing tool and then pressed the texture pad onto the silicone for 30-50 seconds to make sure it's smoothed out and has the right texture. 

The silicone did create a smooth surface over my incisions, but only mildly concealing them. Since my incisions are still fairly new my scars are dark, so it's possible the Light to Medium Cool color tones that came with my starter kit are just too light. The silicone is supposed to stay on for 36 hours and be waterproof but it started to peel off after a couple of hours. I think the product is effective, but not right for my scars. It does peel off without irritation if you decide not to keep it on. Maybe when my scars lighten up I will try applying Dermaflage again. 

You can find more information about Dermaflage at

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